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Error Codes

This document describes the error codes thrown by Ving's REST API. They map directly onto the W3C's standard HTTP status codes. When functioning properly the web service will always return a 200 HTTP status code.

NOTE: While the error codes documented here are returned as HTTP status codes, they are also returned in the JSON response of the body.

400 Bad Request

The server cannot process the request because the request was malformed or a prerequisite of performing the requested action has not been met.

401 Unauthorized

The session you are using has expired. Request a new one before continuing.

402 Payment Required

For one reason or another the payment requested was declined. Usually due to typos, but could also do with credit card holds, insufficient funds, etc.

403 Forbidden

You do not have the privileges necessary to complete that operation.

404 Not Found

The object you requested doesn't exist. This refers to an object specified in the query string, not in the path.

408 Request Timeout

Whatever you requested took too long and the server gave up.

409 Conflict

The name or resource requested is already in use by someone else, or has already moved on to a new stage of it's life so the function you are trying to perform on it is no longer valid.

413 Payload Too Large

You tried to post something (perhaps upload a file) that is too large.

415 Unsupported Media Type

You tried to assign a file to a field that doesn't match the field's criteria or you tried to upload a file that the system doesn't allow. For example you tried to assign a PDF to a field looking for images.

429 Too Many Requests

You have exceeded the maximum number of requests allowed per minute. This exception is telling you to slow down so you don't denial of service the server with your requests.

441 Missing Required Parameter

You're missing a required parameter.

442 Out Of Range

The value specified for a field was out of range. If it's a numeric field make sure you're above the minumum and below the maximum. If it's an enumerated field make sure you've specfified an valid option.

454 Password Incorrect

The password you specified does not match our records.

499 Offline Processing

This request was going to take too long so it was handed off to be processed in the background.

500 Undefined Error

An unhandled exception has occurred in the server. Under normal operating procedures this should never happen, as all exceptions should be trapped within the code and returned as a defined exception. Therefore this is an untrapped exception, and is in all cases a bug.

501 Not Implemented

You have encountered a feature that is planned, but not yet implemented.

502 Bad Gateway

An external resource returned a garbage response that caused your request to fail.

504 Could Not Connect

Could not connect to an external resource, such as a database or web service.