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Message Bus

Ving's Message Bus push messages from the server to a logged in user via Server Sent Events (SSE). This can be useful for displaying a toast via the notification system, or for triggering some functionality when a background job finishes.

If you'd like to test it, log in to your ving site and then from the CLI type:

./ving.mjs messagebus -u Admin -m "Hello Admin!"

Note that this functionality requires that you've set up the Redis cache.

Extending Functionality

If you want to extend this functionality to send your own message types from the server to the browser, you'll need to do the following 3 steps.

Configure a Publisher Function

In server/messagebus.mjs add and export a function that will publish the message. Let's say we're going to update a progress bar somewhere for some background process. We'd create a publisher function for that like:

export const publishSomeProgressBar = async (
    percentageComplete = 0, 
    fullyComplete = 100
) => {
    return publish(
        { percentageComplete, fullyComplete }

Note that you can skip this step and use use the generic publish function, but that doesn't give you the opportunity to add defaults, an API, or error handling so we recommend creating a publish function.

Use The Publisher Function

Wherever in your code that you can get your event data to publish to the browser, use your newly created publisher function.

import {publishSomeProgressBar} from '../server/messagebus.mjs'

await publishSomeProgressBar(userId, 35);

Make The Browser Handle It

You'll need to update composables/useMessageBus.mjs to handle your someProgressBar message type. Add your new case to the switch statement there.